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Gallery Archive: 2018-2019

Land preparation at trial sites

Sowing in progress

CET at Chetna and Odisha in different soil types

On-Farm baby and pilot trials at ASA and CottonConnect project sites

On-farm baby & pilot trials (FFID-Chetna)

A Glimpse of Seed Multiplication Activities at Pratibha

Single Plant Selection in Progress

Crossing in progress

Challenges in SGF (2018-19)


Drought and mitigation measures at CSA

Submergence due to continuous heavy rains

A successful trial: Efforts & measures taken

Equal participation of female farmers: the backbone of organic cotton production

Extension activities under SGF

Farmers exposure visit to SGF trials and training

Post sowing monitoring at different partner locations

Mid-season monitoring-SGF (2018-19)

Mid-season monitoring sheet for observations using a visual rating scale

Aerial view of Cultivar Evaluation Trial at PDKV, Akola

Annual Project Progress Review Meeting - SGF (2018-19)

National workshop of organic cotton stakeholders in Indore, India

©Seeding the Green Future

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